In case of any problem / query related to online fee payment, parents can contact at school reception during school working hours:
Click on tab Pay Online Fee available on the school website’s Home Page - http://davmeerut.org/
Click on PAY ONLINE ICON tab available at the bottom of the instructions.
To login use Admission Number of your ward as User Id and password is student DOB(DDMMYYYY)
Select the Fee Payment Tab on the portal and fill the amount you want to pay.
Click on PAY NOW button Please check all the details of the student and proceed further.
Select the only options for fee payment i.e. Debit Card / Credit Card / Internet Banking etc.
Select your desired option and fill the details accordingly button.
After processing Fee Receipt will be generated.
Parents can print the receipt or can check the paid fee from REPORT link (available on top left of the webpage).
Logout the account from the link available on top right of the screen.
Note : *Please check the fee description carefully before payment, incase you make payment and do not get the receipt due to net connectivity, kindly wait for 48 hours for automatically Re-generation of receipt.